Together my Beloved and I are a "Kingdom Seed Sower"
This site gives permission for anyone to freely download, print and freely give away these comics and books.
The incorruptable word of God is the only thing that will remain.
Brock and Miriam Langmoen Davis
Kingdom Seed Sower
We are fulltime for the Kingdom of God. Contact us.
What's the reason?
- Isaiah writes in 55... My word which goes out of My mouth will not "return to me empty" without accomplishing what I desire.
- Yeshua in Matthew 12 says that "no sign will be given except the sign of the prophet Jonah, that is: Yeshua rising from the earth after 3 days. And that the city of Niveveh repented from hearing God's 8 words preached by Jonah.
- God's word is Sufficient to do it's job.
- To make available to anyone free of charge the precious word of God.
- For those who Love his people to download a PDF book/comic and print as many copies as you desire to give away.
- Pick the book or comic you want.
- Download it free of charge.
- Go to a printing guy and print as you like.
- Freely give to Anyone the Holy Spirit leads you to.
- Pray for and continue to pray for Holy Spirit to reveal himself.
Free books to download and give away to God's chosen people:
If you wan't to print out the book, use this link for downloading a print edition:
Standing in support of God’s chosen people in Israel 2024
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Currently under Construction
Watch out for books coming soon:
- Inside the Tabernacle of Moses - in english
- The Big Question - in russian
- The Big Question - in german
- The Big Question - in ukrainian
- The Big Question - in polish
- The Big Question - in swedish
- The Big Question - in chinese